Monday, February 11, 2008

Tagged thing...

ok Mom...for that tagged thing here it goes!

1. Honestly, I think my Mom's maxiglide thing is really funny. She watched a DVD that came with it so she could make her hair even better! kinda bogus if you ask me! (note: remember to twist gently at the end of the hair to make a prettier curl Mom!!!)

2. Someday I want to be a missionary pilate that flies over the jungle of Africa!!! Totaly cool!

3. I think it would be soooooooo cool to write songs and be an artist that is famous in the states doing concerts and stuff.

4. I was born with long, red hair!!! (I guess Mom and Dad already knew that though huh?)

5. I never have, or do, or will have a one favorite football, or basketball team.

6. I'm really a spender inside even though I know it's right to save my money secretly in side I wish I could buy every thing then and there! (didn't know that huh Mom and Dad?)

last one! here we go!

7. I love my Mom's cookies over everyone else's!!! I also love my Dad's laugh over everyone else's laugh!!!

There you go Ya'll!!!


Tim and Susan said...

Aren't you just the cutest, sweetest guy in the whole world? I'll make you cookies anyday!! Hey, be glad I don't walk around in front of your friends with BIG Takeyama hair...augh!! Run for your life!! You would make a great pilot or musician or whatever God leads you to be!!

crispy said...

Love the list. Very cool to learn more things about you.

Go for the missionary pilot thing. What a great idea.

-Auntie Cris

Lee and Bev said...

What wonderful responses. How neat that you love your dad's laugh! And I bet you'll get mom's cookies this next week. Have a great time snowboarding and see if you can keep off your back end! Papa always wanted to be a missionary pilot - We'll pray about this. Love you, Joel. Grammy