Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A little snow tale...

This morning as I woke up to go to my basketball and I noticed it was quite cold. After I had eaten my breakfast i got ready to head over to the gym. When I looked out the window, it was snowing!!! I wa so happy!!! It was great. It snowed all throughout the day and so by about 4 oclock, it looked like this. It's isn't much but having snow for the first time in about 2 years here in Tokyp is always exciting. My shoes were wet and had to dry them but hey! It was definately worth it!!!


crispy said...

Wish we could play in the snow too. Looks fun.

-Tally and Tissy

Susan said...

Glad you got a little reminder of snowy Hokkaido life!!! Hey, it's not suppossed to snow in Tokyo! Can't wait to see you TOMORROW!! We'll see you in the afternoon when you get out of school. Think about what you would like to do Friday evening...ok? love you, MOM

Susan said...

I couldn't see your pictures at first. Maybe they took awhile to come up or whatever. They are so cool. You are super creative JT and have a real, artistic eye for photography!

Lee and Bev said...

Wish we could play with you in the snow! Better there than here. It was -14 this morning. That's 14 degrees below zero!! Have a great weekend with your family. We hope to see you when we come through Tokyo the first part of February. Love Grammy