Tuesday, January 29, 2008

S.O.Shoes- MOM

Hey mom! ahhh! a disaster! what should we do?


Susan said...

Poor little missionary kid with holes in his shoe!! When you come home we'll buy you some new shoes...until then, avoid the puddles. ha ha

Lee and Bev said...

Have you ever heard of "shoe goo?" We've used it to glue down shoes and take care of holes - when we were desperate. Sorry about your shoes. Hope you have some other ones!

crispy said...

I remember a kid wearing duct tape on his shoe when it was like that. Just avoid the sneakers.

-Auntie Cris

crispy said...

Hey Joel. Wanted to let you know that you have been tagged. A great way to learn more about you. Swing by my blog and find out. You don't have to tag someone else, just wanted to hear some fun facts about you.

Auntie Cris

Tim and Susan said...

You've been tagged. Check my blog.